In this video, Jeff Baxter from NetApp presents: Solving I/O Challenges.
NetApp now has a customer with a full Exabyte on the floor.”
The presentation was recorded at the HPC Advisory Council Stanford Conference 2013. Download the slides (PDF).
In this video, Jeff Baxter from NetApp presents: Solving I/O Challenges.
NetApp now has a customer with a full Exabyte on the floor.”
The presentation was recorded at the HPC Advisory Council Stanford Conference 2013. Download the slides (PDF).
[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE] These are the times that try the souls of IT staffs tasked with deploying AI at scale… Effectively implementing AI at scale involves a whole host of design, build, deployment, and management considerations. It requires ….
Our friends over at Graphcore, the U.K.-based startup that launched the Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU) for AI acceleration in 2018, has released a new whitepaper introducing the IPU-Machine. This second-generation platform has greater processing power, more memory and built-in scalability for handling extremely large parallel processing workloads. This paper will explores the new platform and assess its strengths and weaknesses compared to the growing cadre of potential competitors.