6 Petaflop JUQUEEN Supercomputer Goes GA as Fastest in Europe

The JUQUEEN supercomputer at Jülich in Germany is now the powerful supercomputer in Europe. With 458,752 compute cores in 28 racks, the 6 Petaflop system is now fully operational.

JUQUEEN is targeted to tackle comprehensive and complex scientific questions, called Grand Challenges”, explains Prof. Thomas Lippert, Director of JSC. “Projects from various scientific areas can profit from the system’s performance, e.g. in the areas of neuroscience, computational biology, energy, or climate research. Moreover, it enables complicated calculations in quantum physics, which were not possible before.“

The JUQUEEN supercomputer is also extremely efficient with a performance/power ratio of approximately 2 Gigaflop/s per Watt, ranking it #5 on Green500. Read the Full Story.