Video: CPU Alternatives for Future High-performance Systems

In this video from the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference, Nikola Puzovic from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center presents: CPU Alternatives for Future High-performance Systems.

Energy efficiency is already a primary concern for the design of any computer system and it is unanimously recognized that future Exascale systems will be strongly constrained by their power consumption. This is why the Mont-Blanc project, which was launched on 1st October 2011, has set itself the following objective: to design a new type of computer architecture capable of setting future global High Performance Computing (HPC) standards that will deliver Exascale performance while using 15 to 30 time less energy. This project is coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and has a budget of over 14 millions, including over 8 million Euros funded by the European Commission.

Download the slides (PDF).