Tsinghua University from Mainland China Wins Asia Student Cluster Challenge

After five days of fierce rivalry, a team from Tsinghua University in Mainland China have won the first annual Asia Student Supercomputer Challenge. The international competition wrapped up with Tsinghua University from Taiwan as runner up. Huazhong Science and Technology University in Mainland China was awarded the prize of “Best MIC application optimization.”

In total, seven student teams from China, Taiwan, Russia, South Korea and Saudi Arabia competed in the finals after a preliminary contest from the 43 universities.

We hope to inspire the enthusiasm of young students toward supercomputing, and advance supercomputing applications and development, and talent cultivation and exchange among Asian countries and regions by holding this kind of contest,” said Liu Jun, general manager of the high performance supercomputing department of Inspur Group. “Seeing the effects of the contest, we successfully realized our goal. The enthusiasm and innovation in supercomputing technology that was shown by the students was quite exciting for me.”

The winning Tsinghua University team will travel compete in the ISC’13 Student Cluster Competition in Leipzig, Germany this June. Read the Full Story.