How Virtualization is Key to Unlocking Cloud HPC

In this video from ISC’13, Josh Simons from VMware discusses why the high performance computing community is starting to leverage virtualization technologies for Cloud HPC.

Virtualization should not be viewed simply as a tax one pays to move into a cloud environment, but rather as an approach that can enable new capabilities that are either difficult or impossible to deliver in an un-virtualized HPC environment; a number of these capabilities speak directly to the most common objections raised to creating centralized computing facilities. I also give examples of what virtualized HPC deployments look like and provide a summary of our latest guidance on how well HPC applications perform on our platform.”

In related news, Simons just wrote up an interesting post on Centralizing HPC Compute Resources using Private Cloud. He talks more about this in the following SlideRocket presentation:

If you are curious about VMware’s Private Cloud offering, check out this talk by Bill Fathers, Sr. VP and GM of the VMware Hybrid Cloud Service.

Check out more related content at the ISC’13 Video Gallery.