Intel's Raj Hazra on Why We Really Need Exascale

Over at The Exascale Report, Mike Bernhardt has posted an interesting interview with Intel’s Raj Hazra, Vice-President Intel Architecture Group & GM Technical Computing. When asked why we should build an Exaflop machine, Hazra contends that we should focus on the economic benefits.

So the exciting part of exaFLOPS is that while it allows you to build those great big machines, it also lets you democratize HPC by essentially building half a petaflops, which today would be in the top 100 supercomputers, under everybody’s desk. And it would be done at both a capital and a TCO cost that changes the game. The economic discussion is fundamental. That’s 300,000 potential users just in manufacturing in the U.S. that we’ve looked at. If they were to use any level of HPC or extreme scale computing, how much value would they generate and what would it do to the HPC market?

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In related news, be sure to check out Hazra’s ISC’13 keynote on June 17:

Session Title: Driving Industrial Innovation on the Road to Exascale
Date: June 17
Time: 6:15 – 6:45 pm CET
Place: Hall 2, Congress Center Leipzig

In the past years one could observe a significant consolidation of non-system vendors providing interconnect technologies and associated topological options. Only a few providers with proprietary interconnects are still around. The two talks in the session will provide a deeper insight into future interconnect standards and topologies and will also address the migration from electrical to optical interconnects at system level.