RADIOSS Structural Analysis Solver Application Performance Optimizations

In this video from the HPC Advisory Council Europe Conference, Eric Lequiniou from Altair presents: RADIOSS Structural Analysis Solver Application Performance Optimizations.

For over 20 years, RADIOSS has established itself as a leader and an industry standard for automotive crash and impact analysis. Automotive and aerospace companies value the contribution it makes in understanding and predicting design behavior in complex environments such as automotive crash simulation. In recent years thru the addition of implicit finite element solver capabilities RADIOSS has become a viable option also for standard analyses and linear dynamics. The tight integration with HyperWorks environment makes RADIOSS a powerful design tool. Aside from modeling and visualization, RADIOSS models are ready for optimization. Transition to the optimization solver OptiStruct and HyperStudy is easy.

Download the slides (PDF) or check out more presentations at the HPC Advisory Council European Conference Video Gallery.