Video: Panel Discussion on Transforming Your Business with HPC

In this video from the OCE Discovery Conference, a panel of experts looks at how business can benefit from HPC.

What if your company could use data mining to discover new information, identify new trends and correlations, and create new knowledge? What if you could safely simulate multi-million dollar physical assets and processes to accelerate your product development while preserving resources and reducing costs? What if we could analyze the human brain to develop preventative treatments for disorders and our physical environment to avert disasters? High Performance Computing (HPC) can equip your company with these kinds of competitive advantages.


  • Ron Van Holst, Director, Research Development, High Performance Computing, Ontario Centres of Excellence
  • Chris Pratt, BUE Strategic Initiatives Executive, IBM Canada


  • J. Wayne Gudbranson, President & CEO, Branham Group Inc.
  • Dan Sinai, Associate Vice President, Research, Western University
  • Abe Heifets, CEO, Chematria
  • Dr. Jennifer Flexman, Director of Research Development and Commercialization, Sargent Laboratory, University of Toronto
  • Ted Mao, Vice President, Research, Trojan UV