In this video from the LAD’13 Lustre Developer Conference, Joseph Antony from NCI presents: Lustre at the Australian National Computational Infrastructure.
Check out more talks at our LAD’13 Video Gallery.
In this video from the LAD’13 Lustre Developer Conference, Joseph Antony from NCI presents: Lustre at the Australian National Computational Infrastructure.
Check out more talks at our LAD’13 Video Gallery.
[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE] These are the times that try the souls of IT staffs tasked with deploying AI at scale… Effectively implementing AI at scale involves a whole host of design, build, deployment, and management considerations. It requires ….
2013 has been an exciting year for the field of Statistics and Big Data, with the release of the new R version 3.0.0. We discuss a few topics in this area, providing toy examples and supporting code for configuring and using Amazon’s EC2 Computing Cloud. There are other ways to get the job done, of course. But we found it helpful to build the infrastructure on Amazon from scratch, and hope others might find it useful, too.