OpenFramework Working Group Launched to Improve Application I/O

OFA logoThe OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) has created a group that will focus on designing a software framework that enables an application to easily access I/O services appropriate to its needs. The OpenFramework Working Group (OFWG) aims to maximise performance for more classes of applications, including storage and file system applications, message passing architectures and shared memory designs, among others. In addition, it aims to maximise the return on investment being made in computer systems by their owners and operators.

Verbs and RDMA-based networks will continue to be important focus areas, but with the new OFWG, the OFA is expanding its focus to include additional application-centric APIs that could be better suited to other areas and technologies,” said Jim Ryan, chairman, OFA. “Application-centric I/O is an extension of the approach historically taken by the OFA, and we will use our expertise in this area to guide the open source development of APIs and I/O libraries.”

The success of this approach is highly dependent on a close association with application developers, compiler architects, system users and others who can offer a clear view of application I/O requirements. To that end, the OFA is actively encouraging participation from these communities in this new working group, regardless of OFA membership status. The OFWG framework will accommodate code contributions from the open community in the form of new fabric interfaces and I/O services, which will continually grow and develop over time.

This story appears here as part of a cross-publishing agreement with Scientific Computing World.