The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) has been awarded a $12-million grant from the NSF to deploy Comet, a 2 Petaflop supercomputer.
Comet is designed to be part of an emerging cyberinfrastructure for what is called the ‘long tail’ of science, which encompasses the idea that a large number of modest-sized computationally based research projects still represents, in aggregate, a tremendous amount of research and scientific impact,” said Sandra A. Brown, Vice Chancellor for Research at UC San Diego.
Comet users will also have access to 7 PB (petabytes) of Lustre-based high-performance storage, as well as 6 PB of durable storage for data reliability, both based on an evolution of SDSC’s Data Oasis storage system. UC San Diego and SDSC are also deploying new 100 Gbps (Gigabit per second) connectivity, allowing users to rapidly move data to SDSC for analysis and data sharing, and return data to their institutions for local use.
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