Submit Proposals: Blue Waters Super is Available for Educational Projects

blue watersToday NCSA announced that up to 1.8 million node-hours on the Blue Waters supercomputer will be made available for educational uses, including semester-long courses, workshops, and institutes. These Education Allocations will enable projects that advance petascale computational and data analysis knowledge and skills while fostering projects that are visionary and/or are national in scope.

Possible educational topics include:

  • Projects that focus on large-scale datasets and optimization of I/O file access.
  • Developing and testing of codes that use advanced methods, languages and tools (Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) language use, fault tolerant application, library or tools development using redundancy, migration, application check pointing, or other mechanisms for large systems).
  • Optimizing and scaling of a community code to a large-scale simulation.
  • Optimizing or developing new libraries and tools that will leverage architecture features or processor counts unique to the Blue Waters system.
  • Modeling of systems or codes.
  • Focusing on the unique scale and scope of the Blue Waters system.
  • Use of large scale computation and data analytics in discipline specific classes and events.

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