In this video from the OpenFabrics International Developer Workshop 2014, Howard Pritchard from Cray presents: SHMEM/PGAS Developer Community Feedback.
Download the Slides (PDF) * See more talks in the OpenFabrics Workshop Video Gallery
In this video from the OpenFabrics International Developer Workshop 2014, Howard Pritchard from Cray presents: SHMEM/PGAS Developer Community Feedback.
Download the Slides (PDF) * See more talks in the OpenFabrics Workshop Video Gallery
[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE] QCT – a.k.a. Quanta Cloud Technology – is a bigger player in the data center server business than some might think. The Taiwan-based company, a long-term partner of Intel’s, reports that it produces one in every seven ….
This whitepaper from our friends over at Bright Computing discusses how hybrid cloud infrastructures allow organizations to strategically manage their compute requirements from core data center to public cloud and edge, but they are very complex to build and manage. Automation is essential, and verifying your staff’s abilities to work with your tool of choice is mandatory.