University of Maryland Launches Deepthought2 Supercomputer

CCPhoto2Today the University of Maryland unveiled Deepthought2, one of the nation’s fastest university-owned supercomputers. The 300 Teraflop Dell system will be used to support advanced research activities ranging from studying the formation of the first galaxies to simulating fire and combustion for fire protection advancements.

Deepthought2 places the University of Maryland in a leadership position in the use of high-performance computing in support of diverse and complex research,” said Ann G. Wylie, Professor and Interim Vice President for Information Technology. “This new supercomputer will allow hundreds of university faculty, staff, and students to pursue a broad range of research computing activities locally – such as multi-level simulations, big data analysis, and large-scale computations – that previously could only be run on national supercomputers.”

Deepthought2 replaces the original Deepthought, installed in 2006. It has a petabyte (1 million gigabytes) of storage and is powered by an InfiniBand interconnect.