In this video, NCSA enters the SC14 #HPCMatters competition.
Why does high-performance computing matter? Because science matters! Discovery matters! Human beings are seekers, questers, questioners. And when we get answers, we ask bigger questions. HPC extends our reach, putting more knowledge, more discovery, and more innovation within our grasp. With HPC, the future is ours to create! #HPCMatters!
NCSA put out a special thanks the following people for their contributions to this video:
- John Melchi
- Jeff Carpenter
- Steve Duensing
- Omar Padron
- NCSA’s Advanced Visualization Laboratory, including Donna Cox, Bob Patterson, Stuart Levy, AJ Christensen
- Hubert Ley, Young Park, Michael Hope, Dave Weber at Argonne National Laboratory’s TRACC Center
- Mark Morris, UCLA; Doug Roberts, Northwestern; David Malin, AAO; Mark Morris and F Yusef-Zadeh, Doug Roberts & W.M. Goss, Kassim, La Rossa, Lazio and Hyma
- Yanxin Liu and Klaus Schulten, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Fei Sun, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Matthias Rempel, National Center for Atmospheric Research; M.C.M. Cheung, Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab
- Kraig Winters, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
SC14 will take place in New Orleans this year with a theme of “HPC Matters.” You can help carry this message by producing your own #HPCMatters videos, and maybe even win yourself a free registration for the conference.
We invite you to share your thoughts, vision, and experiences with HPC and why it matters to you. To participate, simply upload a one-minute, or less, video to the SC14 YouTube Channel and make sure to tag the video with “#HPCmatters.” Your creativity and passion will be the key in helping us share the personal story of HPC to the public, to policy makers, and to our colleagues around the world.
Read the Full Story.