Women in HPC to be Featured in PRACE Digest

Madame Curie Selfie

Madame Curie Selfie

The European PRACE initiative is collaborating with the Women in HPC organization to publish two magazines dedicated to Women in High Performance Computing. The cover of at least one of these magazines will include a mosaic or collage of pictures of women working in HPC in Europe, and they need to collect as many photographs as possible.

The first issue will hit the news stands at PRACEdays15 in May as part of special Women in HPC satellite event. The second issue will come out at SC15 in Austin in November.

PRACE invites all women working in HPC in Europe to send a photo of themselves to Tiina Leiponen (Tiina.Leiponen@csc.fi) and / or Marjolein Oorsprong (M.Oorsprong@staff.prace-ri.eu). Send your own and invite your colleagues to join in submitting photographs!

Location Sharing

Location Sharing

Photos can either be selfies or “official” photos from your organization (so typically head-only photos) and should be sent with the following information:

  • Name and title of the person
  • Institution or organization name
  • Country of work
  • Nationality
  • Area of work > you don’t have to be a scientist! Anyone working in any department, group or industry sector that uses HPC technologies, from small clusters to large supercomputers, is invited to join in.
  • PRACE staff or user of PRACE resources (Yes or No)

PRACE will use the photographs only for this one purpose. Please state explicitly in your e-mail that you allow PRACE to use your photo for the covers of these two publications. You can use the standard sentence: “I hereby grant PRACE the right to use my photo for the cover of the two Women in HPC themed magazines (one for PRACEdays15 and one PRACE Digest in November 2015).”

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