Housing Registration Opens for SC15 in Austin

SC15ColorSoftShadowThe SC15 housing site is now open through October. The conference takes place Nov 15-20 in Austin, Texas.

Reserve now for the best selection of rooms and hotels before they’re sold out! As always, we’ve tried to locate most SC15 hotel rooms within walking distance of the convention center, and conference busing will be provided to any that are farther away.

Get your reservations in early! Hotels are looking to be a bit more expensive than we’ve seen at past conferences and the places with reasonable rates will go fast.

SC15 will bring together the international supercomputing community—an unparalleled ensemble of scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators and developers—for an exceptional program of technical papers, informative tutorials, timely research posters and Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions. The SC15 Exhibition Hall will feature exhibits of the latest and greatest technologies from industry, academia and government research organizations; many of these technologies making their debut in Austin. No conference is better poised to demonstrate how HPC can transform both the everyday and the incredible.

This is reportedly the last time that SC will be in Austin, which is really a shame because the town has so much to offer in terms of food and great entertainment.

In case you missed it, check out our full coverage of SC14 in New Orleans, another great city the Supercomputing show will never see again.

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