Agenda Posted for LAD’15 in Paris, Sept. 22-23

logo_lad15_150pxEOFS and OpenSFS have published their Agenda for the LAD’15 Lustre Administrator & Developer event, which takes place Sept. 22-23 in Paris, France.

Speakers include:

  • Jessica Popp, Intel
  • Lavinia Darlea, CERN
  • Hervé Toureille, Jérôme Chapelle, CINES
  • Andreas Dilger, Intel
  • Abe Asraoui, Supermicro
  • Daniel Kobras, science+computing
  • Alex Zhuravlev, Intel
  • James Nunez, Intel and Justin Miller, Cray
  • Shuichi Ihara, DataDirect Networks
  • Roland Laifer, KIT
  • Grégoire Pichon, Atos
  • Chris Horn, Cray
  • Dmitry Erenin, Intel
  • Gabriele Paciucci, Bruno Faccini, Intel
  • Thomas Leibovici, CEA
  • Nathan Rutman, Seagate
  • Steve Simms, Indiana University
  • Chris Gouge, Seagate

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