Podcast: Using Docker for Science at TACC

Joe Stubbs, Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate at TACC

Joe Stubbs, Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate at TACC

In this TACC podcast, Joe Stubbs from the Texas Advanced Computing Center describes potential benefits to scientists of open container platform Docker in supporting reproducibility, NSF-funded Agave API.

“Scientists might find a friend in the open source software called Docker. It’s a platform that bundles up the loose ends of applications – the software and the dependencies that sustain it – into something fairly light that can run on any system. As more scientists share not only their results but their data and code, Docker is helping them reproduce the computational analysis behind the results. What’s more, Docker is one of the main tools used in the Agave API platform, a platform-as-a-service solution for hybrid cloud computing developed at TACC and funded in part by the National Science Foundation.”

Stubbs thinks Docker is a winning proposition. “I think those are the two main wins for scientists – and probably for everyone really – ease of portability and distribution of a piece of software; and greater reproducibility of the results the software produces.”

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