In this video from The Digital Future conference in Berlin, Thomas Lippert from the Jülich Supercomputing Center presents: Simulation an Data Sciences in the Exascale, Neuromorphic and Quantum Computing Era.
“To understand the human brain using simulation – that’s the vision of the Human Brain Project (HBP). In order to make it a reality, researchers from 23 countries are working together to build a unique infrastructure that will allow them to establish and further develop a brain research and information technology network. The European Union supports this plan as part of its FET Flagship Initiative. Jülich scientists contribute their expertise primarily in the areas of structure and function of the brain, as well as supercomputing and simulation. The Human Brain Project brings together neuroscientists, physicians, computer scientists, physicists, mathematicians and computer specialists from internationally respected scientific institutions in 23 countries. Their goal is to simulate the complete human brain within the next ten years using a supercomputer of the future. The simulation will be accurate in every detail, and will take in aspects such as genetics, the molecular level and the interaction of whole cell clusters.”