Today OpenSFS announced that the Lustre 2.9.0 Release has been declared GA and is available for download.
This major release includes new features:
- UID/GID Mapping Provides the capability to remap user and group IDs based on node address so as to simplify administration when sharing access between security domains (LU-3291)
- Shared Key Crypto Identifies clients/servers and authenticates/encrypts RPCs (LU-3289)
- Subdirectory Mounts Offers the option for clients to be able to mount only a defined subset of the filesystem (LU-29)
- Server Side Advise and Hinting A Lustre equivalent of fadvise that provides hints to the server about the nature of the data access (willread, dontreed) so that appropriate steps can be taken. (LU-4931)
- Large Bulk IO Allows the configuration of larger options to be able to get more efficient network/disk IO . (LU-7990)
- Weak Updates Lustre support for weak updates (KMP) has been added. Please note the associated name changes for the RPMs . (LU-5614)
Fuller details can be found in the 2.9 wiki page (including the change log and test matrix).