Christian Kniep, QNIB Solutions
Are you coming to ISC 2017? Christian Kniep is hosting a half-day Linux Container Workshop on Optimizing IT Infrastructure and High-Performance Workloads on Thursday, June 22 in Frankfurt.
Docker as the dominant flavor of Linux Container continues to gain momentum within datacenter all over the world. It is able to benefit legacy infrastructure by leveraging the lower overhead compared to traditional, hypervisor-based virtualization. But there is more to Linux Containers – and Docker in particular, which this workshop will explore. It’s portability, reproducibility and distribution capabilities outclass all prior technologies and disrupt former monolithic architectures, due to sub-second life cycles and self-service provisioning.
Targeted at developers, users, and managers of data center and cloud infrastructure and applications, the workshop will focus on providing actionable knowledge about the world of Linux Containers, discuss problems and possible solutions.
Speakers include:
Burak Yenier, CEO and Co-Founder of UberCloud, is an expert in the development and management of large-scale, high availability systems, and in many aspects of the cloud delivery model including information security and capacity planning. He has been working on Software as a Service since early 2000 and held management positions in software development and operations in several companies. In his most recent role as the Vice President of Operations Burak managed the multi-site datacenter and digital payment operations of a financial Software as a Service technology company located in Silicon Valley where he built cloud infrastructure and operations from scratch and for scale. @BurakYenier and http://www.linkedin.com/in/buraky.
Christian Kniep With a 10y journey rooted in the HPC parts of the german automotive industry, Christian started to support CAE applications and VR installations. After getting bored with the small pieces, he became the InfiniBand go-to-guy while operating a 4000 node crash-test cluster and pivoted to the R&D department of Bulls BXI interconnect. When told at a conference that HPC can not learn anything from the emerging Cloud and BigData companies, he became curious and is now leading the containerization effort at Gaikai Inc. (part of Sony Interactive Entertainment). Christian likes to explore new emerging trends by containerizing them first and seek application in the nebulous world of DevOps.
Holger Gantikow studied Computer Science at the University of Furtwangen and is working as a Senior Systems Engineer for Science + Computing AG in Tübingen since 2009. In his work, he deals with the complexity of heterogenous systems in CAE computation environments and servers customers utilizing technical and scientific applications. Ever since he started his professional career, virtualization and how it changes IT infrastructures gained his interest. This includes especially cloud management systems like OpenNebula and OpenStack, as well as the recently rediscovered container-based virtualization technology based on Docker.
Michael Bauer is an undergraduate student at the University of Michigan, where he is studying Computer Science & Engineering with a focus on computer architecture. He has spent the last 9 months working at the GSI national laboratory in Darmstadt, Germany, as an experimental systems researcher. For the last several months, he has been a developer of Singularity, an open source container solution designed for HPC.
Paolo Di Tommaso is research software engineer at Center for Genomic Regulation, Spain. He is a 20 years experienced software developer, software architecture designer and advocate of open source software. His main interests are parallel programming, HPC and cloud computing. Paolo is B.Sc. in Computer Science and M.Sc. in Bioinformatics. He is the creator and project leader of the Nextflow workflow framework
Sebastian Scheele is a co-founder of Loodse, a software company that has developed Kubermatic – a managed Master as a Service for the orchestration of multiple Kubernetes clusters. Moreover, Loodse provides consulting and training services in the area of cloud native strategies. Sebastian has been qualified an official Google Cloud trainings partner. Before, Sebastian worked as a software developer for SAP. He holds a degree in Computer Science from the University of Applied Science and Arts of Dortmund.
Wolfgang Gentzsch is co-founder & president of the UberCloud Community and Marketplace for engineers and scientists to discover, try, and buy computing power on demand in the cloud. He is also Co-Chairman of the ISC Cloud & Big Data conference series. Wolfgang was Director At-Large of the Board of Directors of the Open Grid Forum, and an advisor to the EU projects DEISA and EUDAT. Before he directed the German D-Grid Initiative, was a professor of computer science at Duke in Durham, NC State in Raleigh, and the University of Applied Sciences in Regensburg, and a visiting scientist at RENCI, the Renaissance Computing Institute at UNC Chapel Hill. Wolfgang was a member of the US President’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology, PCAST, and held leading positions at Sun, MCNC, Gridware, and Genias Software.
Register for workshop on the ISC 2017 site
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