DDN: Enabling Scientific Discovery and Exascale Initiatives

Alex Bouzari, CEO, Chairman and Co-founder, of DataDirect Networks

In this video from the 2017 DDN User Group meeting at ISC, Alex Bouzari, CEO, Chairman and Co-founder, of DataDirect Networks presents: DDN HPC Leadership and Innovation: Enabling Scientific Discovery and Exascale Initiatives.

“The DDN User Group at ISC is an annual conference that brings together the best and brightest scientists, researchers and technologists to share and learn how leading global HPC organizations are executing cutting-edge initiatives that are transforming the world. The goal of the event is to gather the community during ISC  to discover how HPC organizations are assessing and leveraging technology to raise the bar on HPC innovations and best practices. From exciting user presentations to engaging roundtable conversations and groundbreaking technology updates, this can’t-miss event delivers the ideas and inspiration to help your cutting-edge HPC initiatives transform the world.”

See more talks in the DDN User Group Video Gallery

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