HPC Connects with Smart Cities at SC17

Charlie Catlett and Pete Beckman from Argonne will be part of the SC17 Plenary on Smart Cities.

Smart Cities will be the topic this year at the SC17 Plenary session, which kicks off the conference at 5:30pm on Monday, Nov. 13 in the Colorado Convention Center.

At the Plenary, Charlie Catlett will moderate a panel discussion on how HPC is enabling Smart Cities.


The 21st Century is frequently referenced as the “Century of the City,” reflecting the unprecedented global migration into urban areas, and their central role in both driving and being affected by factors ranging from economics to health to energy to climate change. The notion of a “smart” city is one that recognizes the use and influence of technology in cities. For instance, the use of technology to enable cities to more effectively harness their roles as centers of opportunity, while address the challenges of providing equity of opportunity across a heterogenous population.

High Performance Computing is already playing a key role in helping cities to pursue these objectives. Intelligent devices enabled with HPC “at the edge” have potential to enable real-time optimization in areas such as energy generation and delivery or the flow of goods and services, and to allow urban infrastructures to adapt autonomously to changes and events such as severe storms or traffic congestion.

With the accelerating volume of data about cities, HPC is helping cities to optimize their services, from making food safety inspections more effective to identifying children most at risk for lead poisoning. HPC is supporting the creation of computational models of urban sectors such as transportation, energy demand, or economics. And increasingly there is opportunity—and need—to develop multi-scale, coupled modeling systems that harness new data sources and measurement techniques and that capture the interdependencies between these sectors to provide a more holistic modeling capability for urban designers, planners, and developers.

This plenary panel will discuss emerging needs and opportunities suggesting an increasing role for HPC in cities, with perspectives from city government, planning and design, and embedded urban HPC systems.

Registration is now open for SC17, which takes place Nov. 12-17 in Denver.

See our complete coverage of SC17

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