GCS Sponsors Team deFAUlt at SC18 Student Cluster Competition

Representing the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg as “Team deFAUlt’ in the Student Cluster Competition at SC18. Left to right: Marcel Pabst, Oleksandr Bannov, Eva Dengler, David Sauerwein, Meike Blöcher, Manuel Peschel.

The Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) is sponsoring the “deFAUlt” team from FAU at the Student Cluster Competition at SC18 in Dallas.

Students from FAU have previously participated in SCC challenges such as the ones held at the largest European gathering of the HPC community, the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), which takes place in Germany each year. For the past two years, FAU teams were able to come out of these competitions winning the coveted high-performance LINPACK Benchmark challenge.

For GCS, which is supporting team deFAUlt by co-financing its travel to the event, it is rewarding to see its sponsorship activities being well received.

FAU certainly does the right thing in offering a course tailored to get students prepared for contests such as the SCC. This appeals to young HPC talent, and the prospect of participating in international events for sure is an additional motivating factor,“ states Dr. Claus-Axel Müller, managing director of GCS. „For students, the subject of expenses is very often a ’knock-out criteria’, especially when it comes to international travel, thus we are happy to help out. We wish team deFAUlt lots of success and lots of fun at SC18. We are confident that in any case it will be an invaluable experience for each of the students.”

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