Today the Texas WHPC announced a Women in HPC Celebration in Austin. The event takes place Friday, Nov. 9 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM at the Intel Corporate Offices in Austin. The event will feature talks by Texas leaders in HPC, a panel of women in industry and academia, and networking opportunities.
As one of the largest states in the country, it is pivotal that Texas takes charge in properly including ‘the other half’ of our society in HPC and high tech as a whole,” says Data Vortex President Carolyn Devany.
This pre-SC celebration event will kick off an exciting first year for TX-WHPC. Through webcasts, in-person meetings, and mentoring, TX-WHPC will bring women together to share experiences, learn new skills, and increase the diversity and awareness in advanced computing and related fields. With over 40,000 open computing jobs in Texas, and a higher than average salary associated with these jobs, the group’s emphasis is on making tech workplaces a more welcoming place for women and minorities.
Texas Women in HPC was started in 2018, to connect professional women in industry, academia, and government from the advanced computing community across the state. TX-WHPC was co-founded by Melyssa Fratkin and Carolyn Coke Reed Devany, who bring years of leadership and industry experience to the program. In addition to leading Data Vortex Technologies, a proprietary network company headquartered in Austin Texas, Carolyn is Chairperson of the international Women in HPC Steering Committee.
Register now. All are welcome to join in for this Celebration!