Welcome to ISC High Performance 2019

In this special guest feature, Martin Meuer and Thomas Meuer set the stage for the ISC High Performance conference, which takes place June 16-20 in Frankfurt.

Thomas Meuer (left) and Martin Meuer are co-Chairs of the annual ISC High Performance conference.

Once again, we want to welcome our attendees to the ISC High Performance conference and exhibition, an annual landmark event for the international HPC community. And it truly is international, with representation from nearly 60 countries, spread across Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. This melting pot of technical professionals and business leaders is what makes ISC High Performance such a captivating forum for sharing ideas and learning about developments in our field from around the world.

This year’s theme – Fueling Innovation – is a fitting reflection of how HPC is propelling both scientific research and commercial advancements across nearly ever domain. The embrace of artificial intelligence by practitioners has accelerated these developments and expanded the breadth of applications that rely on HPC. Innovation will receive additional fuel in the years ahead as exascale technologies make their way into the industry.

A prime example of how this innovation is realized will be illustrated in this year’s opening keynote, The Algorithms of Life – Scientific Computing for Systems Biology, which will be delivered by Professor Ivo Sbalzarini, of TU Dresden and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology. In his presentation, Professor Sbalzarini will speak about how HPC is helping to develop a new understanding of how biological systems operate and their underlying mechanisms.

The opening keynote also reflects our devotion to raising the level scientific research that is presented at the conference. Our commitment to this goal and the academic program, in general, has helped make ISC High Performance a showcase for some of the best HPC-backed research in the world. The quality of the research papers and posters has improved again this year, thanks to our stringent peer review policy.

The level of innovation present in the industry is also mirrored in our exhibition, a venue for vendors and research organizations to highlight their newest products and technologies. This year, we have over 160 exhibitors, each with their own unique story to tell. Take the time to get to know how they are shaping the industry – and how they are being shaped by it.

Finally, we want to thank all the 2019 chairs and committee members for their dedication building a conference that we’re extremely proud of. That starts with our Program Chair, Professor Yutong Lu, Director of National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou, China. Professor Lu, along with our fantastic ISC Program Team, have developed an impressive program that reflects the dynamic nature of high performance computing in 2019. Our profound gratitude also extends to our contributors, sponsors, partners, and volunteers. Thank you all for making this year’s conference and exhibition possible!

Best regards,
Martin Meuer and Thomas Meuer
ISC High Performance General Co-Chairs
Thomas und Martin Meuer

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