Novel Therm Demonstrates Sustainable Data Center Tech at SC19

In this video from SC19, Greg Stewart from Novel Therm describes how the company provides HPC As a Service using geothermal energy.

Novel Therm has a unique solution that allows them to build low-cost HPC data centers that are powered by low temperature geothermal energy. With their innovative technology, they provide 100% green powered data centers with no upfront customer investment and at significantly lower cost than competitors can offer.

Novel Therm’s modified sterling engine has the unique ability to utilize 160-200 degree Fahrenheit water. This allows us to utilize low-temp geothermal locations, tap into less costly shallow wells and requires much less cooling to produce electricity.

With our off-grid design approach, all of the electricity we generate is used on site for data processing. Therefore, no power grid connection is required, eliminating the often time consuming negotiations with the local power utility company as well as the costly connections to their electric grid or substation. With our modular power plant approach, we include standby modules to provide redundancy for power supply reliability and confidence.

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