Hyperion Research has posted their preliminary agenda for the upcoming HPC User Forum. The event takes place March 30 – April 1 in Princeton, New Jersey.
Presentations (preliminary agenda) will include:
- Updates on the US Exascale Computing Project
- UK Exascale and the Catalyst UK Program, Mark Parsons and Michele Weiland, EPCC
- The EU Fortissimo Program for SMEs, Bastian Koller, HLRS
- HPC at Princeton University, Curt Hillegas
- NERSC Update and Plans for the NERSC-9 Supercomputer (“Perlmutter”), Tina Declerck
- HPC for Cancer Research, Jack Collins, National Cancer Institute
- How HPC Is Enabling Fusion and ITER Science, C.S. Chang, PPPL
- Artificial Intelligence: An Exciting New Way To Speed Development of Fusion Energy, Michael Churchill, PPPL
- Performance Portability on Various GPUs and CPU Machines Utilizing Kokkos, A. Scheinberg, PPPL
- Status of the Exascale Computing Project on High-Fidelity Whole Device Modeling of Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasma, A. Bhattacharjee, PPPL
- HPC and The Flatiron Insitute/Simons Foundation, Ian Fisk
- Data Management and Workflow Challenges for Exascale Seismology, Jeroen Tromp, Princeton University
- Using HPC-enabled AI to Guide Investment Strategies for Finding and Funding Startups, Thomas Thurston, WR Hambrecht
- Using Big Data To Provide Security and Customer Insights
- From Architecture Guided Apps to Applications Guided Architectures, Gary Grider, LANL
- Proving History: The Role of Graph and Digital Ledger for Exascale AI and HPC, Arno Kolster and Ryan Quick, Providentia Worldwide
- HPC-Enabled AI and Cyber Security
- Exascale Machine Learning Technologies, Frank Alexander, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Massive Scale Analytics for Real-World Applications, David Bader, New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Panel Session: Innovative Technologies for HPC
- Graph Analytics and AI, John Feo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- AI in Government Settings
- Panel Session: Status and Prospects For HPC-Enabled AI