At ISC 2022 we spoke with Emmanuel LeRoux, group senior vice president, global head of advanced computing, HPC, quantum and AI at Atos, the leading HPC systems provider in Europe.
LeRoux discussed a range of topics, including the recently announced BullSequana XH3000, an AI-augmented hybrid computing platform, integrating AMD, Intel, NVIDIA and SiPearl chips and designed to scale up to exascale simulation; an update on Nimbix cloud HPC capabilities – Nimbix having been acquired by Atos last year; seismic research conducted at the Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth and a proof of concept with the University of London and Arm running a virus assembly tool to detect SARS-Cov-2 mutations; and Atos’ work in quantum, including a reseller agreement with Aspen Systems to expand its North American footprint.