Gartner Reports Composable Infrastructure Increases Market Penetration up to 10x

August 24, 2023 – Technology industry analyst firm Gartner has issued four new “Hype Cycle” reports for 2023 in which composable infrastructure is given a “high” benefit” rating, according to an announcement from composable infrastructure company GigaIO.    While acknowledging barriers to adoption of composable computing, Gartner also predicts a composable infrastructure market penetration of 20 to 50 percent of its target audience, a jump from just 5 to  20 percent at this time last year.

Gartner describes composable computing as “that which enables new ways of performing horizontal or vertical processes that will result in significantly increased revenue or cost savings for an enterprise.”

“Servers, storage, and fabrics are traditionally deployed as discrete products with predefined capacities. Individual devices, or resources, are connected manually and dedicated to specific applications. Composable infrastructure helps deliver next-generation agile infrastructure where fast development and delivery mandate rapid and continuous integration. Increased utilization of high-cost resources, such as GPU accelerators and persistent memory, can yield financial savings.”

Gartner rates the maturity of composable infrastructure as “early mainstream,” and cites vendor lock-in and lack of off-the-shelf software for managing composable systems as key obstacles to its adoption.

GigaIO said it was included under “Composable Infrastructure” in four of Gartner’s new reports: Hype Cycle for Infrastructure Strategy, 2023, Hype Cycle for I&O
Automation, 2023, Hype Cycle for Data Center Infrastructure Technologies, 2023, and Hype Cycle for Compute, 2023.

“…since its inception, (GigaIO) has been committed to an open platform in order to avoid vendor lock-in, using industry standards like Redfish APIs and native
PCIe, and foregoing the use of a proprietary software interface in favor of integrating directly with leading off-the-shelf software already used by data centers,” the company said. “A key example is the native integration of  FabreX into NVIDIA Bright Cluster Manager, the best-in-class enterprise-class cluster management
software that combines provisioning, monitoring, and management capabilities in a single tool.”