DOE Funds $30M for Research to Accelerate Scientific Advances at National Labs

Sept. 27, 2023 — Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $30 million in funding for three projects to increase scientific productivity and discoveries across DOE light source, neutron source, and high-performance computing and networking facilities.

The national laboratory-led collaborative projects are:

  • A center for advanced mathematics for energy research applications led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to develop the algorithms, software, autonomous workflows, and real-time analysis at the edge for next-generation scientific user facilities.
  • A research project led by Argonne National Laboratory that addresses the technical challenges and tools needed to enhance the optimization, prediction, and experimentation capabilities at science facilities.
  • A collaborative project led by the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center that focuses on the testing, delivery, and overall productive use of the research and development prototypes from all three of these projects.

The projects were selected by a competitive peer review under the DOE National Laboratory Program Announcement for Advanced Scientific Computing Research for DOE User Facilities. The multi-disciplinary projects are supported by the Office of Science programs in Advanced Scientific Computing Research and Basic Energy Sciences. The projects include multi-institutional teams, led by individual national laboratories with partners from other national laboratories.

Total funding is $30 million for projects lasting up to five years in duration, with $6 million in Fiscal Year 2023 dollars and outyear funding contingent on congressional appropriations. The list of projects and more information can be found on the Advanced Scientific Computing Research  and Basic Energy Sciences program homepages.

The DOE Office of Science provides researchers with access to advanced tools of modern science. The awarded projects are focused on developing the computational mathematics and scientific computing research needed to accelerate discovery and innovation at DOE’s X-ray and neutron source user facilities.

“Scientific research is becoming ever more dependent on complex data analyses and very large datasets,” said Harriet Kung, DOE Office of Science Deputy Director for Science Programs. “These three projects will enhance data analytics capabilities at our user facilities and help fuel discoveries in biotechnology, advanced materials for energy and microelectronics, and more.”