Mark Neubauer from the University of Illinois gave this talk at the Blue Waters Symposium. “In this talk, we present our work using deep learning techniques on the Blue Waters supercomputing to develop and optimize a novel method of identifying the decays of highly-boosted Higgs bosons produced at the LHC a signature of new particles and/or phenomena at the energy frontier of particle physics. We also discuss our ongoing work using Blue Waters to develop scalable cyberinfrastructure for sustainable and reproducible data analysis workflows through the NSF-funded IRIS-HEP Institute and SCAILFIN project.”
Deep Learning for Higgs Boson Identification and Searches for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
HPC News Roundup for Friday the 13th
As we pack our bags for a series of Springtime HPC conferences, it’s time to clear the decks and point to some notable news items from this week that didn’t make it to the front page.