OrangeFS, the user-friendly, open source parallel file system for high performance computing, has a lot of endearing qualities. Heading up the list is the fact that it just works – download it to your existing commodity hardware and realize immediate and substantial boosts in the performance of your HPC and storage clusters.
OrangeFS: A Scalable, Parallel File System Whose Time Has Come
Many of the major advances in HPC have been the result of collaboration between academia and the big government labs. This has been the case with PVFS (Parallel Virtual File System) and its latest generation, the scale-out file system known as OrangeFS.
Using PBS to Schedule MapReduce Jobs Accessing OrangeFS
Using PBS Professoinal and a customized version of myHadoop has allowed researchers at Clemson University to submit their own Hadoop MapReduce jobs on the “Palmetto Cluster”. Now, researchers at Clemson can run their own dedicated Hadoop daemons in a PBS scheduled environment as needed.