In this whitepaper, DDN and NVIDIA invited ESG to interview several of their joint customers that have been running production AI environments to better understand their needs and to confirm the value that DDN and NVIDIA are providing. ESG research sheds light on the rapid rise of AI initiatives among businesses, including how businesses are leveraging AI to create value. Business have been rapidly investing in AI and ML projects because they work.
DDN and NVIDIA are leaders in infrastructure. But more importantly, both vendors are experts in AI/ML and serve as valuable partners to many organizations that are ramping up AI/ML environments. With the introduction of NVIDIA’s DGX™ A100 systems with eight NVIDIA A100 GPUs and two second generation AMD EPYC™ processors, these allied vendors have raised the bar once more. DDN and NVIDIA’s technical collaboration has yielded turnkey infrastructure that delivers a number of benefits for enterprise IT shops and their end-users at any scale, with the parallelism of DDN’s A3I solutions ensuring the full utilization of the NVIDIA A100 GPUs.
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