GPU computing with The Dell PowerEdge C4130

White Papers > Open Computing > GPU computing with The Dell PowerEdge C4130
GPU Computing

GPU computing is now established and widespread in the HPC community. There is an ever-increasing demand for compute power. This demand has pushed server designs towards higher hardware accelerator density. However, most such designs have a standard system configuration, which may not be optimal for maximum performance across all application classes. The latest high-density design from Dell, the PowerEdge C4130, offers up to four GPU boards in a 1U form factor. In addition, the uniqueness of PowerEdge C4130 is that it offers a configurable system design, potentially making it a better fit, for the wider variety of extreme HPC applications.

In this paper, we describe the new Dell server, C4130; specifically designed for GPU Computing, and demonstrate how a wide class of applications has seen multifold increase in performance on the C4130.

This white paper describes the system architecture and performance characterization of the PowerEdge C4130. The C4130 offers a highly configurable system design and ultra-high accelerator/coprocessor density. The combination of these factors have resulted in substantial performance improvement in for a number of industry standard HPC benchmarks and applications.

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