High-performance computing (HPC), technical applications and analytics place heavy demands on cloud computing resources. To meet these demands, IBM cloud offerings include dedicated, bare-metal servers that provide the raw horsepower and security of a non-virtualized environment, as well as private hypervisor- based virtual machines for increased economy and optimized price-performance.
HPC users can tap this resource hosted on IBM® SoftLayer® through the IBM Platform ComputingTM Cloud Service. The solution includes market-leading IBM PlatformTM LSF® or IBM Platform Symphony workload management software deliv- ered as a service, and comes complete with a portal, reporting capabilities and the elasticity to expand or contract the service footprint over time to reflect an organization’s changing needs.
With performance a key requirement for HPC workloads,
IBM has tested its cloud offerings using a variety of standardized performance benchmarks and applications. This paper presents the results of those tests and shows how the results for the IBM Platform Computing Cloud Service on SoftLayer compare favorably with competitive offerings.
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