In-Network Computing and Next Generation HDR 200G InfiniBand

White Papers > In-Network Computing and Next Generation HDR 200G InfiniBand

With the exponential growth of data that needs to be analyzed and the data resulting from ever-more complex workflows, the need for faster data movement has never been more challenging and critical to the worlds of High Performance Computing (HPC) and machine learning. Mellanox Technologies is once again moving the bar forward with the introduction of and end-to-end HDR 200G InfiniBand product portfolio.

In an age of digital transformation and big data analytics, the need for HPC and deep learning platforms to move and analyze data both in real-time and at faster speeds is ever increasing. Machine learning enables enterprises to leverage the vast amounts of data being generated today to make faster and more accurate decisions.

Until relatively recently, state-of-the-art applications analyzing automotive construction or weather simulations enjoyed the data performance and throughput speeds offered by 100G interconnect. Today’s HPC, machine learning, storage and hyperscale now require both faster interconnect solutions and more intelligent networks to analyze data and run complex simulations with greater speed and efficiency.

Download the new white paper, courtesy of Mellanox, that explores in-network computing and the benefits of the switch from 100G to 200G Infiniband. 

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