INCITE Seeking Proposals to Advance Science with Leadership Computing

inciteThe Department of Energy’s Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program will soon be accepting proposals for high-impact, computationally intensive research campaigns in a broad array of science, engineering and computer science domains.

From April 13 to June 24, INCITE’s open call provides an opportunity for researchers to make transformational advances in science and technology through large allocations of computer time and supporting resources at the Leadership Computing Facility (LCF) centers located at Oak Ridge and Argonne national laboratories. OLCF and ALCF are US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facilities.

“The winning proposals will receive awards of time on Titan, the 27-petaflop Cray XK7 at Oak Ridge, and Mira, the 10-petaflop IBM Blue Gene/Q at Argonne. INCITE will allocate approximately 6 billion core-hours on these DOE leadership-class supercomputers in 2017, with average awards per project expected to be on the order of 75 million core-hours for Titan and 100 million core-hours for Mira. The largest allocations could be as much as several hundred million core-hours. Proposals may be for up to three years.”

Open to researchers, the INCITE program seeks research proposals for capability computing: production simulations—including ensembles—that use a large fraction of the LCF systems or require the unique LCF architectural infrastructure for high-performance computing projects that cannot be performed anywhere else.

Applications undergo a two-phase review process to identify projects with the greatest potential for impact and a demonstrable need for leadership-class systems to deliver solutions to grand challenges.

Proposals are due June 24, 2016. Awards are expected to be announced in November 2016.

The INCITE program, along with the two LCF centers, will host instructional proposal writing webinars on April 13 and on May 19.

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