Coming soon to Omaha: 9,200 core dual boot cluster

This news is several weeks old, but I didn’t see it until ClusterMonkey picked it up yesterday. The Monkey is reporting that the University of Nebraska at Omaha is building a new supercomputer.

The machine is reported to have 1,151 Dell servers with dual-socket Barcelonas for a total of over 9,200 cores. And here’s an interesting bit:

This system is by far the largest Dell/AMD cluster to date and it is slated to be the first large scale dual boot system in existence — Linux and Windows CSS.

Dual boot! Awesome. The reporting on this is a little sketchy. The university’s coverage evidently got the size wrong and has almost no useful info (here). There is _slightly_ more useful info here.


  1. Hi John,

    Just a small note to add to this article: I think cluster will be running Platform OCS when running with Linux – I think the Dual boot Linux/Windows is the first time that we have done this on such a large scale.

