NSF looking for innovation

HPCwire reports this week that the NSF is looking for proposals in a new program called Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI)

CDI research outcomes are expected to produce paradigm shifts in our understanding of a wide range of science and engineering phenomena and socio-technical innovations that create new wealth and enhance the national quality of life.

Funding for this first project will range from $26 to $52 million, NSF’s commitment to the CDI initiative for fiscal year 2008, and is expected to grow $50 million in each of the next five years. With this investment, NSF wishes to attract researchers to create revolutionary science and engineering research outcomes made possible by innovations and advances in “computational thinking,” defined comprehensively as computational concepts, methods, models, algorithms, and tools.

The CDI is looking for new ideas in three areas

Enhancing human understanding and generating new knowledge from a wealth of heterogeneous digital data.

Understanding complexity in natural, built, and social systems

Building virtual organizations