Appro's X1 "Cluster Ready"

Appro just announced today that it’s Xtreme-X1 super is certified as part of Intel’s Cluster Ready program (we covered the X1 here, and the X2 here; more on Intel’s CR program here). From the release

Appro logo“IT departments in all high performance computing organizations need to accommodate the pressure for shorter life cycles with a limited budget for software and hardware expenses,” said Daniel Kim, CEO of Appro. “Appro Xtreme-X1 Intel Cluster Ready-certification helps simplify deployment of high performance computing clusters achieving faster and more accurate time-to-results.”

…’With Appro Intel Cluster Ready deployment, Appro customers can now purchase their clusters with the confidence of knowing that the equipment and applications are certified to work together,” said Richard Dracott, Intel’s HPC Division General Manager. “Intel Cluster Ready allows software developers to validate just one time across multiple hardware platforms, speeding their development and time-to-market. This simplifies and accelerates the deployment of high performance computing solutions achieving quicker time to results and time to computing.”


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