Cray workshop in Edinburgh

My pal and regular reader Rich Hickey (hi, Rich!) dropped me an email to let me know about an upcoming Cray technical workshop in Scotland. Here are the details

Cray logoPlease join us at the 5th Cray Technical Workshop Europe, hosted by EPCC at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland during 24-26 September 2008. This workshop brings together industry recognized speakers from the HPC community and experts from Cray. Key topics include the latest scientific advancements using Cray supercomputers, and new innovative Cray technologies. Venue

This year’s event, hosted by EPCC, takes place in Edinburgh, the beautiful capital of Scotland. The workshop will be held in the heart of the Old Town, at the National e-Science Centre.

Accommodation A list of hotels, with specially negotiated rates and situated close to the Old College, is now available. Registration and additional Information

You can register online via the below website or by sending an email to Additional useful information including travel directions, agenda updates can also be found online.

Details, agenda, etc. here.


  1. If I weren’t in the middle of things here, I’d go even though I don’t have a Cray… Edinburgh is gorgeous, and the EPCC folk are generally top notch. I’m still bewildered by the fact that SC’08 doesn’t have them leading a tutorial again. I’d encourage anyone with even a passing interest and the opportunity to get to this.

  2. Nice! And a better time to go to Edinburgh than the first-week-in-December High Throughput Computing workshop I attended last year.

    It’s a beautiful town, but it’s at 55 degrees North latitude. In December, the sun goes down at about 3:30 in the afternoon!