HPC Horizons update

The last time I mentioned HPC Horizons in this space, Tabor ended up making an offer of membership free to non-vendors for a year. This model is now permanent.

Online communities are a great information source, and can help you stay connected with latest industry trends. HPCwire offers free membership to their HPC Horizons Online Community. It’s open to qualified HPC professionals who are registered users on the HPCwire.com website. As before, vendor participation is limited to sponsors only. Join your 200+ colleagues who are already members of this peer-to-peer network. Stop by www.HPCwire.com, click on Sign In at the top of the page, and register to request your (free) membership.

When you do, you’ll have a chance to laugh publicly at the top 5 things I’d do if I were king of HPC for a day, and add your own five.


  1. […] under Admin by John West | 0 commentsThe last time I mentioned HPC Horizons in this space, Tabor ended up making an offer of membership […]