Emerging Multicore Computing Technology in Earth and Space Sciences

Just got an email from Doug Enright with news about multicore papers being briefed at the American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting, going on right now in San Francisco. Here’s what Doug has to say

It’s the annual fall AGU meeting this week and the following many/multicore session is being held: Emerging Multicore Computing Technology in Earth and Space Sciences I with many GPU and Cell acceleration results being reported:

    – Harnessing Petaflop-Scale Multi-Core Supercomputing for Problems in Space Science
    – Accelerate Climate Models with the IBM Cell Processor
    – Geospace simulations on the Cell BE processor
    – Benchmarking NWP Kernels on Multi- and Many-core Processors
    – Hybrid parallelism for Weather Research and Forecasting Model on Intel platforms
    – Accelerating the Computation of Theoretical Spectro-Polarimetric Signals; Comparative Analysis Using the Cell BE and NVIDIA GPU for Implementing the Voigt Function.
    – Chemical Transport Models on Accelerator Architectures
    Using GPUs to Meet Next Generation Weather Model Computational Requirements