Mellanox announces Q4 and FY2008, posts profit

InfiniBand vendor Mellanox announced its Q4 and 2008 annual results this week. Their press release provides a handy list so that yours truly doesn’t have to do any, you know, thinking

  • Revenues were $25.2 million for Q4’08 and $107.7 million in 2008
  • 4th quarter gross margins were 77.5 percent and 78.3 percent in 2008
  • 4th quarter net income: $8.0 million GAAP, $4.4 million non-GAAP
  • Fiscal year net income: $22.4 million GAAP, $32.2 million non-GAAP
  • 4th quarter net income per diluted share: $0.24 GAAP, $0.13 non-GAAP
  • Fiscal year net income per diluted share: $0.68 GAAP, $0.92 non-GAAP
  • $10.9 million in cash provided by operating activities during the 4th quarter
  • $31.0 million in cash provided by operating activities during the year
  • $183.2 million in total cash and investments at year end