A couple weeks ago I invited vendors with academic discounts to send me info and I’d do a round up here in response to what looked like a growing trend. I only got a few responses, but they are good ones. So if you are in an academic setting and short on cash (doesn’t the former imply the latter?) then you may want to check out these deals.
Scalable Informatics Think Smart! Academic & Research Stimulus Sale
Scalable Informatics announces Think Smart! our academic/research stimulus sale. Now through July 31, 2009 we are offering significant savings off list price on JackRabbit high performance storage servers to university and other research groups. And don’t forget to check back as we’ll be adding Pegasus-GPU to the list shortly.
Discounts and details are listed at the Scalable Informatics site.
SiCortex has two special offers through May 15, 2009 to help universities and colleges make parallel computing accessible to their students.
- Classroom environment, 72-processor, desk-side teaching & development system for $14,999 (37% off)
- Parallel Computing Lab-in-a-Box: multiple desk-side systems plus curriculum assistance
Equip your teaching lab with multiple SC072-PDS systems and take advantage of on-site, expert curriculum development assistance. Leverage the expertise of parallel processing computer scientists to jump start your course development, and tap into a network of peers who are advancing parallel processing curricula at their universities. Prices start at $65,000 for 5 systems. Contact us at PDS@sicortex.com for further details.
More information on both offers here.
Sun 2009 Matching Grant Program For Education (from Marc Hamilton’s blog post)
Just in time to help school’s balance their budgets, Sun’s 2009 Matching Grant Program for Education is here. So no matter if you are trying to build a world class supercomputer to simulate unpredictable tornadoes like was done recently on Ranger, TACC’s Sun Constellation System supercomputer, or just need to buy a few servers storage, qualified educational institutions can save big on Sun servers, storage, workstations, and software between February 18th and June 19, 2009.
More information here.
Thanks for posting this John. Quick correction: It is http://scalableinformatics.com/news/think-smart-academic-research-stimulus-sale (or just click the word “link“).
Joe – sorry about that. Fixed now.