News from NCSA this week
NCSA researcher Volodymyr Kindratenko and colleagues David Bader (Georgia Institute of Technology) and David Kaeli (Northeastern University) will guest edit a special issue of the journal IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems that will focus on high-performance computing with accelerators.
…The IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems seeks articles for a July 2010 special issue focusing on efforts dedicated to the use of accelerators in high-performance computing. The guest editors invite papers that address the challenge of building and using such systems. Particular areas of interest include:
- design, analysis, and implementation of novel accelerator processors, systems, and architectures
- integration of accelerators with high-performance computing systems, performance measurement on experimental systems, reliability and fault-tolerance
- languages and compilers, profiling and debugging tools for accelerator-based computing
- run-time environments, operating system support, scheduling and task partitioning for accelerator-based computing
- programming models, analysis and design of algorithms for accelerator-based computing
Submissions due Sep 24.