SiCortex sale of assets includes the Pathscale compiler

Stacey Higginbotham over at GigaOM pointed us to a post with details of SiCortex’s upcoming asset sale. From that post

SiCortex logoGerbsman Partners has been retained by the Board of Directors of SiCortex, Inc. “SiCortex” or the “Company, to solicit interest for the acquisition of substantially all of SiCortex’s assets, including its intellectual property (“IP”), in whole or in part (collectively, the “SiCortex Assets”)

…SiCortex’s assets include: patents (granted and pending); proven, energy-efficient computer systems (the company’s core products); sophisticated systems and management software; core engineering team members; advanced simulations; chip design verification; existing and partially complete next generation products such as sub-assemblies, backplanes, racks, fans, cabinets, design tools, testing lab tools and products; software and hardware roadmap; trademarks; customers (including government intelligence agencies); The Pathscale Compiler Suite, OEM, ISV and reseller relationships; external manufacturing relationships; experienced systems management and sales team; market presence.

Interested parties can acquire SiCortex’s core technology, market presence, sales pipeline, customer base, contacts and vendor lists enabling the purchaser to leverage existing business and customer relationships for future growth. Sales of existing products exceed 50% gross margins.

The sale of SiCortex assets is being conducted with the cooperation of the company SiCortex and its employees and retained consultants will be available to assist purchasers with due diligence and in a prompt, efficient transition. Notwithstanding this offer of assistance, SiCortex should not be contacted directly without the prior consent of Gerbsman Partners or the Board of Directors.

If you are interested, sealed bids are due to Gerbsman by 2 PM eastern on June 25, and you’ll have to include a $200,00 deposit check.


  1. […] operations their assets, including the PathScale compiler, went on the auction block. The sale was to have been concluded on the 25th of June. In early July I got in touch with the firm managing the sale, Gerbsman […]


  1. Interesting to note that the SiCortex web site is still up and running, with no indication that anything’s amiss. They’ve got jobs posted, and their shopping cart still appears to work. (Though I didn’t try actually placing an order!)

  2. The headline begs the question, why don’t they sell the assets of Pathscale separately? The compiler is a very good performing x86-64 compiler.