Illinois and France partner on petascale research

From NCSA yesterday, news of a new trans-Atlantic partnership

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and INRIA, the French national computer science institute, announced today the formation of the Joint Laboratory for Petascale Computing. The Joint Laboratory will be based at Illinois and will include researchers from INRIA, Illinois’ Center for Extreme-Scale Computation, and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

Early focus areas will include:

  • Modeling and optimizing numerical libraries, which are at the heart of many scientific applications.
  • Fault-tolerance research, which reduces the negative impact when processors, disk drives, or memory fail in supercomputers that have tens or hundreds of thousands of those components.
  • Novel programming models, which allow scientific applications to be updated or reimagined to take full advantage of extreme-scale supercomputers.

Much of this work will focus on Blue Waters as a development platform, NCSA’s petascale computer slated to become operational in 2011.